Is America taking over Britain?
American and British flag merged together to show Americanism 

Some people might think that Americanism is annoying. This is because British people prefer traditional English language, however due to new American tv shows and shops people start using the American slang ,as others call it.  

Most people find it annoying how now British people say ‘I could care less’ which is totally opposite to ‘I couldn’t care less’. If you say you could care less then you do actually care however if you say you couldn’t care less you don’t really care. Another phrase which British people use but others hate is ‘wait on' instead of ‘wait for'. The phrase ‘wait on' was used by the father of the English language, Chaucer himself and later Milton, to mean ‘to observe’ and ‘to lie in wait for’.

Although some people hate Americanism some people actually accept it. People like using different words and like learning different phrases from different cultures. People might use different phrases or words because those might be easier for people to say or write those phrases, sometimes it’s just faster for people to say or write shorter phrases or words.

English language has ‘borrowed’ or how others say it ‘lent’ words from other languages, English is a language built up from different languages. For example the word ‘tea’ you would think it British, because everyone knows British people have to have tea! However the word is from China and tea is actually Chinese!  I bet you don’t believe me but it’s true. If we did ‘borrow’ words from other languages why is Americanism bad? We use the same words but twist them a bit and say them differently. Is it actually that bad?

Foreign people will watch, read or listen to what ever they can to learn English, most of the time they watch American tv shows. They catch the American phrases or words, they don’t know the difference and they won’t correct others because they said something wrong, because they themselves are not the best at English. If others won’t mind it then why should everyone else.

Some people do say that Americanism is killing the English language or that the English language is losing its identity, however we all know that the words or phrases didn’t only come because of Americanism. Lost of teenagers use their own words which they make up and those words spread out. Lost of words and phrases are created from English language by people in Britain.

In my opinion Americanism is not a bad thing, some people might think it is because of the English language being killed, oh my god it’s murder! However if you think about it everyone will always remember the English language as it is and without the Americanism, although there is nothing bad about it. I think it’s just expiring more languages and sharing them with others, because sharing is caring!


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