Image result for swearing Swearing makes you smarter ?

Some people will think that only less intelligent people would use taboo language this is because those people probably lack vocabulary and replace it with swear words.However it is a scientific fact that people who swear are more intelligent than those who don't.

People say that taboo language is one of the examples of poor discipline from the parents. However teenagers do not only pick up language from their parents or family but also their secondary socialisation such as peer groups, media, school, work place. Children can be taught from the young age to not to use any taboo language however that can change on the environment the child lives in or the types of friends the child has.
Most people use taboo language because it helps the relief their pain or anger. This is because taboo language sound aggressive which gives a higher tone to the words. However most people get use to the taboo language and use it every day in every sentence, but don't even realise it.

In some countries it's okay for people to use taboo language however in some countries it's really rude. it's the same with people, some people will be okay with others using taboo language but other people will get offended and they will find it really rude.

Some of us might decide to stop the use of taboo language in tier every day vocabulary. however sometimes its really hard for people to do that. this is because they would get use to the taboo language too much and won't even realise that they are using it.

In my opinion taboo language is not as bad as people say it is. People chose to use it when they want to, if others don't appreciate it they can say something or do nothing because everyone has the right to be themselves. Taboo language reliefs pain or anger in people who have anger issues or get hurt by little things. as scientists did prove that taboo language shows people are more intelligent. 

Most of the taboo language has been from way back, so if it was okay to use it then and it was a normal spoken language why is it so bad if we use it now? for example the word "fuck" was first attested around 1475 and it was okay to use it then as it was the act of sexual intercourse. However now people changed it to words such as "motherfucker" "fuckwit" and "fucknut", and those words are even worse!!

If you think about it some of the taboo language was taken from normal words, for example "pussy" it was classified as a cat but now its also females vagina, which nowadays is the most offensive world. That is a bit sexist in my opinion. If you would call someone a penis they wouldn't get offended but if you call them a "dick" they might, but its not even that big of a swear word. 

Just remember don't use taboo language in front of young children as they pick up on words really fast!!



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